Engineering and Management Team

The Engineering and Management Team is the body in charge of the operational implementation of the activity programme of Pôle Mer Méditerranée.

  • Develop and establish PMM in its territories;
  • Manage strategic areas of activity;
  • Detect and facilitate the emergence of innovative projects with a view to their certification;
  • Participate in the financial engineering of projects certified by PMM;
  • Implement and execute the Cluster’s international development strategy;
  • Carry out the setting up and management of European projects — those of the Cluster’s members and those in which PMM is a partner.
  • Promote and highlight the actions of the Cluster;
  • Ensure operational relations with the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique.


Christian PLANES

Directeur adjoint en charge de l'offre de service / Responsable Défense, sûreté, sécurité maritime
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Domaines d’Actions Stratégiques


Responsable "Ressources énergétiques et minérales marines"
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Christian PLANES

Directeur adjoint en charge de l'offre de service / Responsable "Défense, Sûreté, sécurité maritime"
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En cours de recrutement

Responsable "Littoral et environnement marin"


Responsable "Ports, infrastructures et logistique"
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Service Europe


Chargée de mission administratif et financier / Service Europe
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Service International

Emploi & Formation


Cheffe de projets Emploi/Formation et éolien offshore flottant
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Service communication

Antenne Occitanie

Antenne Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur


Chargée de mission territoire Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur / Alpes Maritimes / Corse
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