Innovation to defend and protect

Societal and technological changes as well as changes in geopolitical and economic balances lead to the emergence of new risks.

Globalisation and the development of activities at sea multiply the potential risks of loss of human lives, destruction of material goods and lasting degradation of maritime and coastal environments. The Defence, Security and Maritime Safety Strategic Action Area includes all means, products and services of surveillance, prevention, planning and actions to ensure maritime space including airspace, surface, seabed and infrastructure:

  • The defence of the interests and sovereign rights of states and the maritime defence of territories;
  • The fight against illicit and malicious acts;
  • The fight against risks and protection of the environment;
  • Respect for the rule of law and control of fisheries;
  • Safety of people and property;
  • Maritime cybersecurity.
  • 86

    certified projects

  • 60

    funded projects

  • 5

    key projects

  • 287

    million budgets for certified projects

Major technological innovations

The technological challenges combine the development of innovative solutions and services with an economically viable model for public and private actors in need for innovations in the following fields:

  • The capacity for data acquisition and transmission through the development of sensors, cyber-secure communication/collaboration (IoT), complex systems engineering;
  • The capacity for processing, use and interoperability of massive maritime data;
  • The dronisation of maritime space (air, surface and submarine);
  • Empowering mobility via eNavigation.

A broad industrial fabric

Pôle Mer Méditerranée brings together among its members more than 200 players (companies, academics) working directly in the Defence and Maritime security sector. This territory has a rich network of technological players, efficient and organized around naval, aeronautics and space fields, on industrial defence and service activities.

Main technological challenges

Pôle Mer Méditerranée will continue its action in the field of Defence, Security and Maritime Safety, around 4 challenges:

  • Exploitation of maritime data: Achieving informational superiority and optimal exploitation of data;
  • Optimisation of the human factor through automation in order to better explore and protect the ocean;
  • Improving maritime surveillance and security;
  • Improving offshore resilience and environmental security.

Head of strategic action area

Christian Planes

Deputy Director in charge of service offering and project manager DAS 1 “Defence, Security and Maritime Safety”

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