Les thématiques sont :
1.MEDITERRANEAN ROCKY COASTS: “Soft” and “hard” rocky coasts, response to climate change, cliff retreat, bio erosion
and bio construction, karst coasts…
2. COASTAL RISKS MANAGEMENT IN THE MEDITERRANEAN: Coastal inundation (storms, tsunami and storm surge,
pollution, coastal and beach erosion, salinization of coastal waters
3. COASTAL AND MARITIME PORT PLANNING: Coastal and port structures: experiment, modeling, design and monitoring in
coastal and port engineering; ecological engineering: state of the arts and perspectives, ecological restoration, marine energy
production …
4. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT, PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS: Coastal dynamics: modeling, instrumentation and tools for the
treatment of data related to coastal dynamics; beach nourishment, monitoring, dredging, sustainable management of
sediments …
Télécharger ici le bulletin d’inscription et la date de soumission des papiers est à soumettre avant le 30 Septembre 2017
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