Dans le cadre du projet ELBE, notre partenaire AREG vous convie à un webinaire de présentation de la mission au Canada qui aura lieu un juin 2022.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous l’invitation en anglais.
AREG Webinar: Europe Leading Blue Energy (ELBE) – an update on the project & planned activity with Canada
You are invited to attend a webinar on Monday 15th November from long time AREG collaborator, the Europe Leading Blue Energy (ELBE) cluster, on their current internationalisation activities including a focus on Canada. ELBE is an EU-funded project that aims to contribute to positioning Europe as the world technological and industrial leader in Blue Energy, with a special focus on offshore wind, wave, and tidal energy.
Gordon McIntosh (AREG), will provide an overview of the cluster and an update on the programme of activity that is planned across 2021-22. This will be followed by a summary of the Canadian Marine Renewables sector, an introduction to leading Trade Association, Marine Renewables Canada from Elisa Oberman (Executive Director) and then a briefing on the proposed ELBE Trade Mission to Canada in June next year from Neil McIntosh of Aberdeen International Associates.
The project update will conclude with a short Q&A with our speakers. Attendees are welcome to pose questions during the webinar but you can also submit questions in advance when registering.
The webinar will take place via Microsoft Teams on Monday 15th November at 14:00 – 15:00 GMT.
Please register hereto confirm your attendance what promises to be a very informative session.